Rebecca Trussell

Agent/Salesperson at Realty San Antonio
Rebecca Trussell

17346 La Cantera Pkwy, #101

San Antonio, Texas 78256

Kendall County

Office: (210) 361-6000

Cell: (210) 859-5576

Rebecca chose real estate for two important reasons: 1) She loves it here, so she works at what she loves. 2) Her "frontier" experience taught her a lot, and she shares what she's learned with her clients. She puts her wealth of knowledge gained and the resources from her own life to use every day. She also learns something new with each client. Licensed in 2014, and living and working in the Hill Country since 2007, Rebecca's experience here is in residential sales, land, and ranches. She helps people from all walks of life, but her favorite sale is helping other women realize their property ownership dreams. Whether her clients are buying or selling, her personal resources, responsiveness and creativity make her different.