Jane Bushong Brown
Broker at Perry Bushong Real Estate, LLC
27050 Hwy 83
Mountain Home, Texas 78058
Real, Edwards, Kerr, Kimble, Kinney County
Office: 830-329-3354
Cell: 830-329-3354
Broker at Perry Bushong Real Estate, LLC
http://www.pbushongrealestate.com27050 Hwy 83
Mountain Home, Texas 78058
Real, Edwards, Kerr, Kimble, Kinney County
Office: 830-329-3354
Cell: 830-329-3354
Jane shares her dad's, Perry Bushong’s, love of and commitment to the ranching industry. She ranches and runs a hunting operation on property that has been in the Bushong family since 1926. Jane has learned the ranch real estate business under Perry's expert tutoring and guidance, and is now the broker for the company. She serves as an officer for the Texas Alliance of Land Brokers and the Divide Chapter of the Preservation of Southwest Texas Wildlife, is a member of the Hill Country Cattlewomen, a board member of the Divide Volunteer Fire Department and attends Hosanna Lutheran Church in Kerrville. Jane is a 1982 graduate of Texas A&M University.