Candy Cargill
Broker at Hill Country Real Estate
P. O. Box 203
Blanco, Texas 78606
Blanco County
Office: 830-833-4591
Cell: 210-885-3090
Fax: 830-833-4592
Broker at Hill Country Real Estate
http://www.hcrealestate.comP. O. Box 203
Blanco, Texas 78606
Blanco County
Office: 830-833-4591
Cell: 210-885-3090
Fax: 830-833-4592
Candy is the broker and owner of Hill Country Real Estate that was founded by her Mother in the early 1970’s making it the oldest company in Blanco County. She joined Hill Country Real Estate in 1986 is and has been involved with numerous civic organizations through the years and is still a member of the Blanco Chamber of Commerce, Gem of the Hills, Friends of the Library, The Yucca Garden Club, The Blanco Woman’s Club and is a supporter of many civic, youth and ecumenical activities. Active with the Four Rivers, Bandera County, Central Hill Country, Texas REALTORS® and National Association of REALTORS® to better help clients. Come by, sit a spell, visit and we can help you find your dream in the Texas Hill Country.